
Microsoft office 2013 professional includes
Microsoft office 2013 professional includes

See more at How to Change the Default Save Behavior in Office 2013. From here you can save to a number of different places, depending on what you’ve connected to Office, as well as access a lot of different menu options. Change your Save As options.īy default, when you save a new document in Office, you are taken to the Save As menu under the File tab, part of the “backstage” area of Office apps. This video will show you how to minimize and auto-hide the ribbon in Office. You can customize what you see in the ribbon by right-clicking on it and selecting Customize the Ribbon, but sometimes we just don’t want to see it while we’re working, or we want it to take up less space. Save time by creating clickable shortcuts to your most used activities in each Office program. Customize the Quick Access Toolbar.Ĭustomizing the Quick Access Toolbar is a great productivity strategy. The screen displays a variety of templates and a list of your recently opened documents, which can come in handy, but it seems that many of us would rather bypass this start screen altogether and open directly to a new, blank document (or spreadsheet, etc.). One of the changes that longtime Office users noticed with Office 2013 is the addition of the start screen to the applications like Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote. Disable/remove the start screen, if you want. Check out How to Customize the Theme and Colors in Office for more. While it’s true that you don’t have the same darker themed options you had in previous versions of Office, you do have some customization possibilities. It’s a common complaint that Office 2013 is too white and bright. Change the theme and colors to what you prefer. Whether you’re just getting started or you’re a longtime user, these seven tips will help streamline your Office 2013/2016 experience. Making a few of these changes can lead to increased satisfaction and increased productivity as you use Office in your work life. While the web apps are convenient and flexible, the desktop Office programs have the benefit of being highly customizable. Many of us Office 365 users rely in the Office 2013 or 2016 desktop apps for our daily tasks.

Microsoft office 2013 professional includes